Making A Bowling Virtual Reality Game
Immersive and realistic gameplay in real environments using virtual reality.
Virtual reality is a simulated experience that can be similar to or completely different from the real world. With this technology, the user can play any games wherever they are! I built my first VR game using the Unity Game Engine for the Google Cardboard. This game's objective is to knock down as many pins as they can by rolling the ball onto the ramp.
In this experience, the user is in a bowling lane with the bowling ball already in the user’s hand; when they press the cardboard button, the ball will be thrown in the direction they are facing. The pins that the ball hits will fall and the user’s score is calculated based on the number of pins they have hit.
How does this work?
- Ball Is Thrown
When the user views the bowling arena and decides which direction they want to face, they will press the trigger on the google cardboard. Once they press the trigger, the user can decide what height they want to throw it at. When the trigger is pressed or the space key is pressed, the bowling ball is released using gravity, and it is moved forward in the direction the user is facing.
2. Bowling Pins
Once the ball reaches the end of the ramp, the pins that the ball touches will fall; when the pin touches the floor, the pin is destroyed. The number of pins that the ball will hit will disappear, making it easier for the user to see how many pins they have left.
3. Score
There are six pins that the user is trying to knockdown. The score is calculated based on the number of pins you hit. The score is at the top of the game for the user to view. After the user runs a badge, they cannot score any more points from that pin.
Check out my VR game demo and code here!
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